I was so restless last night, I had to do something I’ve been putting off for so long. The day I’d let go of an old domain name for the sake of starting over. (In case you’re totally lost, changing domain names is serious business, y’all.)
So there were three major things happening at the time of this impulsiveness:
- I missed a trip to Hong Kong with J & M because I was sick, leaving me at home pondering upon the tragedy that is my life, while my healthy friends carried on the dream that we happened to have saved up and planned for so long (fine, Joni did most of the planning, but still);
- I was tested positive for a disease that has made the whole world tremble with fear at the sound of its name (say it with me, H1N1); which resulted to a self-imprisonment, or what they aptly call as “self-quarantine”. It kept me as far away from human beings as possible where no one could get infected—again leaving me with a lot of time to think about everything that I’ve always wanted that is not happening and everything that’s happening that I’ve never hoped for to happen;
- I quit project 365, exactly two months after I started it. (I did what?) I know, I know, it’s just some silly Flickr project and who cares anyway. The only reason I’m listing this one as an important event is the fact that it says a lot about my inability to stay focused and carry on a goal to completion. I feel like a failure.
So just imagine the contemplation that brought me to register this new domain, install a fresh WordPress package, modify a template to my liking, and type a handful about why I’m doing it.
And don’t even make me start explaining why I chose this domain name. (But okay, I’ll explain anyway.)
To be honest, I was choosing from a list of annoying, overly cheesy, teenybopper-sounding domain names, along the lines of pastelsky and chasingrainbows. Ones that remind you of those days when the internet was young, and innocent, and carefree. Days when bloggers have blurtys and livejournals and guestbooks and pretty pastel-colored layouts along with their cheesy-sounding domain names.
My first ever self-hosted blog’s URL happened to be riz.daydreemz.com, did I ever mention that? It was the year 2001 and you guys, that site was a magical place, at least to my 16-year-old self.
It was a place where I didn’t care what people thought, and expressing myself was the most important thing.
I’m obviously relieving those years, so please, allow me.
Chasing Dreams, it is
Three months ago when I told my then-boss that I was going to resign, he asked me why and I told him, “It’s time to chase my dreams“. To which he replied, “Okay, I’m not about to get in the way of chasing dreams, but give me a month.”
So yeah, maybe I blame my former boss for this domain name too. (Thanks, boss!)
Hello, world. It’s me, Riz. And this is my new blog.
Hi Riz, I love how you communicate your ideas and feelings to your readers.
While reading this, makes me feel that you’re a childhood beshyy and we need a lot of catching up.
I’m really learning a lot from you! Thanks!
Go mommy! Chase your dreams!
hey riz! found you again, hehe
been your blog reader the last 1 year or so. i just love the way u organize ur thoughts and the humor that goes with (most) of your post. keep it up…
*hugs* ate, good for you! you had the courage most of us don’t have (like me!) wahaha, now i want to change my blog too! after I convince my hubby i’ll reaaaalllyyy blog na. :) changing my links now…
oh riz! You did it! *hugs* yay for back to basics blogging! :)