2009 for me was a year of failed attempts in the travel department. 2008 had a couple of missed flights too, but at least it was the year when New York and Sydney happened, and surely, when two of your dream destinations happened in a period of 2 months, it simply trumps the stack of unused plane tickets you accumulated the whole year, right?
But when you booked tickets almost every time Cebu Pacific launched an International Seat Sale and the whole year passed and you didn’t get to use every single one of them because of reasons beyond your control, then that’s a different sob story altogether.
Sadly, this photograph was the closest I’ve ever been out-of-the-country last year. I was off to Bangkok with Joni and Romela but as we checked our bags in, I came face-to-face with one of the most devastating news in all my history of travel: Sorry Miss, we can’t let you fly out.
My passport was expiring in 5 months and 3 weeks that time, and okaaay, I kinda knew that it was expiring, but I wasn’t aware that the 6-month rule applies to Asian countries too.
Well, now I know.
Prior to that failed Bangkok flight, I missed a Hong Kong trip with Mae and Joni (why hello Joni, it’s you again) because *cough* I happened to have acquired a disease that was too sensationalized I was sent off to solitary confinement for 2 weeks, I mean, come on, universe, are you serious?, there are 365 days in a year and you chose this weekend of all weekends for me to come down with The Flu, how freaky coincidental is that? *cough*
There were more missed flights, but those two I mentioned were the best ones. (Or worst ones, whatever.)
Cruel. Cruel was the year 2009. It’s one of those years you don’t ever want to replay over because you don’t want to be reminded of all those wasted plane tickets.
Hence I made it my personal goal to make things right this year. Chase dreams. Fly. See places. Be a ridiculously happy traveler. Fall in love in a foreign place. Fall in love with a foreign place. Get lost in a foreign place.
Oh, and NOT waste a single plane ticket again, EVER.
And hey, I know there will always be circumstances I won’t have control over, but I also know that I’m one year older and wiser now.
You see, it’s impossible to come out of a year like 2009 and not be a better person — hats off to God for making awesome things out of, well, years like 2009. And given that I’m, I believe, *ehem* a better version of myself now, I’m pretty confident that I have better judgment and wisdom to know which tickets to invest in and which are not worth wasting time and money over. (Send in your truckloads of grace, Lord. Bring it on!)
Brighter days ahead, I can see it now. This year is going to be great.
And yes, I’m really just talking about plane tickets, okay, gimme a break.
Fine. I think I may be talking about more than just plane tickets here.
Read. Between. The. Lines.
Hahaha. Wow your blog is indeed great =)
I only want a credit card to book sudden flights when cebu pac promos are on!
Here’s a hug for all your travels, and wishing i would be with ye on one of them! :D
(and surfing is funnn [sorry nakisali I read Baler] definitely worth a trip!)
Riziiiiieeee Let’s go to the beach!! Baler!
how did you feel? about your father passing away?
I read about that, in Xaris’s blogs. I don’t know you then, but I felt that the way she talked about your father is that your father is a really inspiring and courageous man.
why did he die? do you still cry at times?