I’ve been meaning to post an obligatory birthday blog. It has been a tradition I didn’t realize I was doing, documenting my birthday year after year after year since 2003 (and no, I’m not going to link back to my tabulas and blogspot days anymore because the older birthday posts are just too embarrassing).
I did write a birthday blog two weeks ago, but I posted it on a more discrete place, and well, maybe I’ll link back to it next year when I’m ready. Right now I just want an excuse to post these photos, hee.
I guess what set this year apart from the other birthdays was, this time, I wanted to lie low on the celebrations. And yes, contrary to the photos you’re seeing, I really did plan on just having a quiet day at home where I can work and contemplate on the past 27 years of my life (srsly), my only wish being that baby Isaac spent the day with me. But then my Mom, being the mother that she is (why thank you, mother!), couldn’t stop herself from preparing a surprise (and quick) birthday lunch for me, before she went out-of-town with some of our balikbayan relatives. Other highlights include dinner with Kuya Nate, Ate Imy & Isaac, the usual after-dinner coffee with Xai & Ivy, a bouquet of balloons delivered by Mark the latte boy, a pair of Nike slippers from my New Yorker cousin, a happy birthday serenade via Skype, and a humiliating photo album posted by Kuya Nikos in Facebook.
I can’t think of anything else I haven’t said already in my past birthdays, about growing one year older, leaving the past behind, being thankful for what you have, and how, when you turn a certain age, it would feel like your life is never going to be the same again. (Reading my old birthday posts, I find it funny now how I would say those very words every year!)
A word to those who are turning 27
Ahh, just.. keep it cool. When you reach this age, you will feel all sorts of pressure. See, your age is closer to 30 now, and if you’re like me who still doesn’t have a kid at this age, everyone will keep reminding you of your biological clock. Be ready to answer questions like, ‘when are you getting married?’ or ‘do you have a boyfriend?’, or ‘what are you waiting for?’, you’ll encounter lots of those on a daily basis. Prepare a standard answer, practice your smile. Keep your composure, there’s no need to feel anxious.
By this time you would have experienced how it’s like to have your heart broken, found success (or failure) in your career, enjoyed your independence, made countless of mistakes. That’s fine, what doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger, we often hear and say. At 27, you will always find yourself drawing strength from your past experiences and realizing that with God’s grace, you have, indeed, become a better person.
Sure, you will have to make decisions that will alter your life forever, but what I’ve come to realize is, whatever choice you make, or wherever God places you when you turn 27, you will be okay. Whether you choose to pursue your career, or settle down and start a family (or whether you’re already raising a family!), know that not one choice is better than the other. You will do fine, either way. And God.. God will remain faithful no matter what, you’ll just have to keep trusting and believing that He’s got the rest of your life in His hands.
Hi Riz,belated happy birthday. :) I’m one of your regular readers and I often check out your blog through Thumbelina’s Leaf. I want to say thank you for writing with your heart on your fingertips.
I am about to turn 26 can relate to your description of what it is like to turn 27. But above all, when you said, “wherever God places you when you turn 27, you will be okay. Whether you choose to pursue your career, or settle down and start a family (or whether you’re already raising a family!), know that not one choice is better than the other. You will do fine, either way. And God.. God will remain faithful no matter what, you’ll just have to keep trusting and believing that He’s got the rest of your life in His hands.” <– it's like you have put into words the intangible peace of God. Thank you! Look forward to more posts.
Belated happy birthday!! :D
“Be ready to answer questions like, ‘when are you getting married?’ or ‘do you have a boyfriend?’, or ‘what are you waiting for?’, you’ll encounter lots of those on a daily basis. Prepare a standard answer, practice your smile. Keep your composure, there’s no need to feel anxious.”
so what IS the standard answer?
There is no standard answer! You gotta make up your own tarits, you can do it. :))
Hi Rits! This is my usual answer to the question, “When are you getting married?”
LOLZ. Hindi naman ako galit sa lagay na yan..nagpapaliwanag lang.
“know that not one choice is better than the other.You will do fine, either way” -like it!
Birthdays give me the reasons too to reflect on life and how’s my life goin on for the past years. Pero I always end up being thankful to Him for everything–good and bad! And yep, nkakapressure! Haha! :) But good thing you keep tract ng annual bday activities mo, u can compare the maturity that comes each entry.
Happy birthday Riz! Nice meeting you! ;)
Hi Mishi, found myself reading through your blog as well. Thanks for leaving a link. :) And thanks for the greetings :)
o e kanino galing your pink roses? :P can’t wait to see you here in Sydney Rhiz!
Heee. <3 See ya soon!
Well said! Ayan, excited na ko maging 27. LOL.
Have an awesome 27th year! :)
Go go go Joni. Lapit na rin ikaw!! :)
Happy Birthay. I have been reading your blog since God knows when and I love this. But you know what, life doesn’t end at 30. In fact, it starts at 30. Believe me, I know. I thought I was old at 27, but no, I was still young… things actually started happening and taking a positive turn in my life at 30. so dont fret. Enjoy that magical age. :)
Hi Maia, thanks for reading. :) And yay, I have 3 more years to 30. I hope I get to have that “positive turn” too. :)