15/30: Reflections. It’s Day 15 of this challenge, it’s the end of the work week, and I’m posting this quick because who posts blogs on Friday nights anyway? :P
Hello, this photograph is brought to you by my dear sister-in-law, who took care of my whole entourage’s make-up (including hers!), and did it beautifully. Our wedding aside, life sure has become so much easier and more meaningful when God brought Ate Imy to the family. Growing up with two *macho* brothers, I’ve always wished for an older sister I can share make-up, clothes, shoes, thoughts, and stories with, and I’m just happy that God granted that little wish of mine.
On that note, do check out her biz, Imelyn Sanchez’s Make-up Artistry! She’s done a lot of weddings and fashion shows in the past two years, I just looove watching her work, and am sooo proud of her. For future brides out there, there’s a bridal expo happening at the Mega Trade Hall 1 right now, the annual Kasalan 2011. Ate Imy has a booth there so if you have nothing to do tonight and anytime this weekend, drop by and get a free trial make-up! Trust me, my Ate can do magic. (:
Awaiting new posts.;p It took me five visits to realize that that’s your reflection right there and not a photograph in a photograph. Hehe, I donno how to read anymore. Anyway, I was in Mega last Saturday, and I think the bridal expo was at the Mega Trade Hall 2, and if I only knew that your sister-in-law was there I would’ve gone inside. <3 Kunin ko sya sa wedding ko in bajillion years' time (sana after two years pwede na xD).