Our darling twins, eyes glued to the TV screen as they watch their new favorite show.
As for me, the real show was the one happening right in front of me.
This is the usual morning scenario at home, the twins starting the day with Veggie Tales. For now, their attention span lasts the first 3-5 minutes of the show, where Larry the Cucumber and Bob the Tomato sing and dance their usual opening number. The moment they hear Larry start playing his tuba, they drop whatever they’re doing and turn their eyes to the screen.
As for me and my husband, we spend the first 3-5 minutes watching them, entertained by the expressions on their faces.
When Larry and Bob are done with their opening song, we can’t help but consume a little Veggie Tales ourselves. We take one baby each and have them sit on our laps (so that they won’t crawl around and get distracted), and the four of us watch the show together.
Veggie Tales is not just for kids
Admittedly, Dawn & Rain are not the only ones hooked. My husband downloaded about a dozen episodes and was planning to have a Veggie Tales marathon. We think Veggie Tales is written not for the babies, but for the Moms, Dads, and adults who accompany the babies watch the show. The script contains intelligent jokes, Biblical truths, and wise words that seem more relatable for adults than for babies.
One of our favorite Veggie Tales episodes is Gideon the Tuba Warrior. Yesterday as I was watching it with Dawn & Rain (for the Nth time), this dialogue between Gideon the Cucumber and Angel Grape spoke to me and cut deep into my heart just when I needed it.
Gideon: “Do you ever have a hard time trusting God?”
Angel: “Me? Nah. I see Him every day. I know how glorious He is. I know He never breaks His promise. I also know how much He loves you, as He told me.”
Gideon: “Thanks.”
Angel: “You know what I think? I think you’re doing great. It’s easy for an angel to trust God, but you have faith in something you’ve never even seen! I admire that. Trust Him Gideon, He’ll never let you down.”
The angel left and Gideon started praying:
“Hey God, it’s me. You and I both know I can’t do this on my own. But You can. And that’s good enough for me. I pray that You’d be with us tonight and that Your will be done. That’s it I guess. Oh, one more thing. You could have chosen anybody but You chose me. Thanks. Amen.”
In that short moment I found myself praying Gideon’s prayer too.
Lessons from Gideon the Tuba Warrior
Gideon’s battle was different, but how many times have we felt the way he did? Like we’re fighting a battle that’s beyond our capacity and strength? We wonder if God made a mistake choosing us for a specific task. We find our circumstances a little too much to carry. We often cry out to God, “Lord I can’t do it on my own, help me!”
Last week we had to take care of two sick, cranky and clingy babies, and we had to do that on top of errands, work, extra-income work, and a Sweet Dreams event we had to cater over the weekend. Ohh the stress, the anxiety, and the sleepless nights. All I wanted to do was to nurse the babies and hold them close until they’re well, but I couldn’t abandon the other responsibilities too.
And there I found comfort in a TV show for kids.
Sometimes all we need to keep going is someone affirming us that we’re doing just fine.
To remind us that God never breaks His promises. That He never lets His children down. That the battles we face are not really ours, but His. That He never makes mistakes in choosing us for a specific task, and when He does choose us, we become the best persons for it.
Beautiful truths to be reminded of in an ordinary day. And by a talking cucumber no less.
Is it not obvious yet, my husband and I are Veggie Tales fans too! :) Call us when you’re having this marathon, we’d so love to join. I will prepare a Veggie feast even. :))
Haha i knowww! I see Ziki’s instagram pics watching Veggie Tales. Actually, the first time we really took interest in VT was during the VCF mass dedication haha. Remember, Bud and I almost memorized na the entire song because it was playing on loop! MARATHOOON!!! Ibang level na ang mga marathon ngayon haha. :)