I cannot even begin to enumerate the differences between Ivy and me. Growing up, our friendship has always been based on our opposite personalities which either clashed comically or complemented perfectly. We were as different from each other as friends could ever be, but I love that in spite of the (many) differences, we always find a common ground to stand on.
And then we fell in love with New Yorkers
..and suddenly, we have so many things in common! To name a few, a screwed up body clock (always chasing Eastern Standard Time), a collection of souvenirs and merch from New York, empty Island Rose boxes stacked up in our bedrooms, birthday presents wrapped in Fedex packaging, long distance relationship woes, those dreams of potentially settling down in the same state in America.
If there’s one thing I get about Ivy and Angel’s relationship, it’s how, when God destines two people to be together, no distance or timezone or opposition—not even differences in culture—can stand in the way.
Love will always, always, win.
Today marks their first wedding anniversary, and I’m suddenly overflowing with joy right now like it was just yesterday.
On their wedding day, I couldn’t fit into my bridesmaids gown because of post-pregnancy weight gain. And my husband and I missed the wedding march because I was breastfeeding babies. Still we came in time to witness the joy, and the beauty, and the promises that were made.
A lot of discussions were put to an end that day. And a lot of prayers were answered too.
And God! God was glorified! Ohh, God was rightfully glorified that day, indeed. It’s weddings like this that you know God was behind everything, there’s just no denying it.
Around the time Ivy was organizing their wedding, I was too pregnant to be any help at all. But there’s one thing I knew I could do and am honored to have done—their wedding invitations!
When you’re friends with someone “since birth”, it takes a long time to get used to the fact that we’re adults now not kids anymore. I guess for that reason it makes sense that I waited a year to post this one. I realized (just now actually, LOL) that it took me a year to take this all in—
Ivy is married. She’s married! And she’s leaving anytime soon. (For the record, that last bit would take me another year to grasp.) I’m just glad that any form of separation from this girl is not permanent. I know, I just know, that we’ll always find each other.
Awww thanks Riz! :’). I remember the first time I saw the invitations I cried and Bud said, I should ‘laminate’ my tears. HAHAHAHA. Thank you for making our wedding invitations and for making it to our wedding! :) Kung ang Higad Boys ay para sa mga nurses, tayo para sa mga New Yorkers. LOL.Thank you for your friendship Riz and Bud. Thank you for praying with us. lab you.
Lol on the “laminated” tears. Bud denies he said that though. :)) Wala daw proof.
“Higad Boys ay para sa mga nurses, tayo para sa mga New Yorkers.”
–> hanapan na si Mae ng New Yorker? Lol.