Your third year as a married couple is such a great year. By this time you would have adjusted pretty well to living together, and have grown a deeper level of understanding and acceptance of each other. Which means, less fights, more happy conversations, and a messier house. Having children in your 3rd year comes with totally different dynamics too, but the addition of little humans in the house makes it all the more fun!
Here are 8 suggestions to celebrate your third wedding anniversary:
(Disclaimer: These probably won’t apply to you, but it sure did to us.)
1. Wait til the clock strikes twelve and do a happy dance.
On the eve of your anniversary, while the kids are asleep, watch as your husband play some 70s music and grab you up for a dance. (Come and Get You Love is a good one). Dance away. Dance while hugging each other. Dance like you always do when nobody is looking. Do some awkward, embarrassing moves. Savor the moment, just you and him and his arms around you.
After a few minutes of dancing, try to be mindful about odd little things around you, like maybe a hidden camera blinking somewhere on your book shelf. Allow it to sink in that your husband has been capturing the moment on camera. Soon you will see that video uploaded on Facebook and feel your face turn red with embarrassment. Scream a little, maybe slap your husband on the arm several times. But it’s your anniversary so don’t be mad. After a while, you will both laugh at yourselves and think that the video is hilarious.
2. Wake up on the day of your wedding anniversary and thank the Lord together for a new beginning.
Wake up early. Give each other a kiss. Pray together. Remember that waking up beside each other is one of your most favorite times of the day, and you love how you’re able do this every single day for the past 3 years. Marvel at how, this time around, you’re sharing your bed with two beautiful little ones, which makes waking up even more lovely.
Tell each other “I love you” many times. Cuddle. Enjoy the fleeting moment of bliss before you both have to get out of bed and go through the day. Brew some coffee before parting ways, in lieu of breakfast, because you don’t have time to drink coffee together.
It’s your 3rd wedding anniversary and you most likely forgot to take a leave from work, unlike your first 2 wedding anniversaries which were carefully planned and scheduled weeks before. That’s okay, you know you can celebrate later in the day, or any other day for that matter.
3. Don’t expect a bouquet of roses.
You’ll receive a bouquet of roses anyway. Two dozens of them. And a box of chocolates. You both agreed that you’d rather spend the money on milk, or diapers, or children’s books, but deep inside you know you still secretly wish to receive these traditional symbols of love sometimes. Be thankful for having married such a sweet guy.
Take pictures. Post them on instagram. The flowers will dry up almost immediately so gaze lovingly at them as long as you can. Hug your husband tight. You didn’t buy him a gift because you thought you both weren’t buying each other gifts, but remember to buy him that pair of pants he’s been eyeing at the mall the next chance you get. Maybe two pairs of pants. And some new briefs.
4. Ask your mother to watch over the kids while you go out on a date.
Sneak out and celebrate, just the two of you. As much as you want to celebrate with your kids, they’re still too young to tag along on dates. So leave them with their grandma and treat yourselves to a child-free night. That’s okay. As soon as you leave the house, all you’ll be able to talk about is how adorable and beautiful your kids are anyway. It will almost feel like they’re with you.
Wear something nice. Put on some makeup. Brush your hair, for once. Spray some perfume on your clothes, dab some on your neck for good measure. Bring a camera and capture moments. You will want to remember this night forever.
Optional: Take turns taking each other’s photographs. No one is around to take your photographs together so capture separate images on the same spot and merge them with Photoshop.
5. Try out this restaurant you’ve been wanting to try out.
Give in to your husband’s request to try out this nearby cuisine that serves angus beef belly. Do a quick search on Google to find where it is. Make a quick reservation, just in case. Arrive on time. Pick a table close to the window.
Order that angus beef belly that your husband has been craving for. Order a huge serving. Enjoy the food. Munch slowly. Forget your diet. Talk about happy things, funny things. Laugh to your heart’s content. Remember why you love being around this guy so much. Be thankful that more than just your husband, he is your best friend, and you can laugh hysterically with him.
6. Get a nice long massage at your favorite spa.
Place a call to your favorite spa and tell them you’re on your way. Avail of their special “Couple Package”—the one with Jacuzzi, a private room for two, and 90 minutes of uninterrupted body massage. Thank the staff for giving you a generous discount as their anniversary treat for loyal customers.
Take your time in the Jacuzzi, you have the whole night. Get ready for a nice long body massage. Relax. Close your eyes. Enjoy the moment knowing that your husband is right on the next massage bed, enjoying himself too. Breathe in the nice aromatic smell that surrounds the room. Forget about everything else. Wake up 2 hours later when your massage is done.
7. Come home to your little ones after a successful wedding anniversary date.
But first, stop by a nearby convenience store to buy some treats for the kids. It’s late but they’re still up waiting for you. Get ready to hear little shrieks, and to have little arms around your neck as you open the door. Hug them a little tighter and longer. You know you just had one of your best dates ever, but nothing still beats coming home to your girls.
Give your own mom a hug and a kiss, and thank her for always making herself available anytime you call. Tell her she’s the best mom ever, and make mental notes on the kind of parents you want to become. Take your little girls to bed. Read them a book. Give them good night kisses. Tell them you love them.
8. End the day the way it began.
Spend a few more quiet moments with your husband. Embrace each other. Kiss.Tell each other “I love you” many times. Pray together and count your blessings.
Thank the Lord for a great day. Thank Him for the past 3 years. Thank Him for allowing you to come this far. Thank Him for each other. Thank Him for being the greatest author of love there is. Thank Him for good health, for family, for love that knows no bounds. Fill your prayer with gratitude. Only gratitude. Reserve your other prayer concerns for another day.
Be excited for another year of surprises. Drift away to sleep with a full heart.
Bonus: Listen to a new love song, composed just for you.
One week later, wake up to an email alert blinking on your phone, with an mp3 attached, from your (still sleeping) husband. Listen to the song that took him a week to compose, in all its raw, perfectly imperfect beauty. Know that it was recorded overnight while you were sleeping because, after all these years, he still wants to surprise you and write you songs. Wipe tears.
Pause mid-song and give your sleeping husband a kiss. Play the song over and over until you memorize the words. Smile at how incredibly blessed and loved you are. Upload the song and proudly post it on your blog for the whole world to hear.
You guuuuuuuuuys <3<3<3 Happy 3rd anniversary, D and R! You deserve each other! God bless you both.
gosh suuuper nice! we also had a third anniversary this year, and I can’t even remember what we did! :D