Many would have discovered Spinkie through their magical and inspiring Instagram presence. But for us, discovering Spinkie was more, shall I say, random (or fate!)
It was the year 2012. I was a new mom, on a quest to find our first Christmas gifts for our then barely 2-month old twin babies when I happened upon Spinkie’s stuffed bunnies in a little baby shop along E. Rodriguez Avenue.
I remember wanting to give our babies something they would love to carry around wherever we go, and something that would grow with them through the years.
We thought of getting them soft dolls, and I know this sounds strange but we were specific about finding stuffed bunnies. Nope, not teddy bears, not baby dolls, and not any kind of stuffed animals. We wanted to find bunnies.
And that was a challenge because, while there were plenty of plush bunnies everywhere, we needed something that’s safe for newborns.
So back to that day in 2012, on a random shelf at some unexpected shop in the middle of nowhere, we found the perfect stuffed bunnies for our babies. They’re called “Bitbit the Rabbit“, and they’re just the right size and style we were looking for.

Spinkie’s Bitbit the Rabbit
Quickly looking it up online, I found that these plush bunnies are—
- made with non-allergenic and dustmite-proof materials,
- with soft dot minky texture that’s safe for biting and snuggling,
- designed for sensory development, teething, and sleep assistance,
- and triple-stitched for utmost durability and baby safety
I also learned that, although the brand was initially established in Singapore, it’s proudly Filipino-made and created by our very own Mutya Laxa-Buensuceso. These details, and the fact that the bunnies are obviously so adorable, won me for life.
And that’s the story of how these Bitbit the Rabbit toys ended up under the tree on our daughters’ first Christmas, and ultimately how Spinkie became a part of our life.
Perhaps the twins won’t remember that first Christmas morning the way we would but just as we hoped for, Dawn and Rain literally grew up with these Spinkie dolls like they’re part of the family.
If you browse through our old photographs, you’d spot these bunnies here and there—each one attached to a memory, big and small.
For the first 3 years of their life, we looooved the classic Bitbit the Rabbit in Flamingo Pink. This color may be phased out already though, but this light pink one is very close.
They love the bunnies so much that, at one point, I had to quietly replace their old worn-out Bitbits—poor overworked little playthings, lol—without them knowing. And another time I had to repurchase the same Bitbit to replace one we happened to lose on a trip.
The girls had these bunnies tagging along literally everywhere. From bedtime to playtime, from cuddles to trips.
So when they turned 3 years old, we got them Bitbits again for Christmas. The bigger ones, this time.
I mean, it worked so well the first time, might as well do it again, right? ;)
From here on out, their collection of Spinkie dolls just keeps growing and growing.
Needless to say, I naturally gravitate to Spinkie whenever I’m looking for special gifts to buy the girls! (To be honest, it feels like buying gifts for myself too!)
And I love that I never have to second-guess if they will love them or not.
In many milestones of our life as a family, there’s a little Spinkie story somewhere.
So much that, as we watch our daughters grow, it feels like watching Spinkie grow as a brand too.

Today Spinkie has added more bunnies in their Bitbit the Rabbit line (the Princess Bunnies are Dawn and Rain’s current favorites), plus more whimsical toys to choose from.
Mutya, being a mother herself, knows just how important it is to create tasteful and timeless pieces that parents and children alike will love, no matter the age.
They’ve since introduced decors that make for magical spaces, and naturally, we also have this Sheer Canopy (Mist) draped on top of the twin’s bed.
And recently, as Spinkie celebrated its 9th year, they also introduced their very own clothing line, Spinkiewear, as well as more additions to their collection of decors and toys. Which I’ll talk more about in the next post.
I can gush about Spinkie for days!
Not only because I genuinely love their products (for our daughters and for myself haha), but also because the story behind this much loved, globally known, and humbly Filipino-made brand is just truly inspiring!
Behind every piece of thoughtfully created decor and toy is a group of moms who work hard with their hearts on their sleeves, and have their own children’s best interests in mind. As a result, we get to support, benefit from, and enjoy their labor of love too. So much magic and goodness from all sides!
Congratulations, Mutya and Team, for a great run so far! I’m excited to see what’s more in store for you guys, and for all of us Spinkie lovers around the world.
Shop Dawn & Rain’s Current Spinkie Doll Collection
Just click the images and it will take you to their corresponding product pages.
Shop More Spinkie Decors and Toys Here
About Spinkie
Over the past 3 years, Spinkie has built a homegrown brand that was able to resonate with a global audience.
Most people online think of Spinkie as an Australian or British brand but they are, in fact, a global brand that has its roots in the Philippines. Spinkie is proud to support a growing community of Filipino Moms who lovingly sew its products and an international community of Moms who sell their products in their own countries, each one of them caring for their children the way they desire as they build their own careers at the same time.
Today, Spinkie is in 21 counties with over 65 stockists globally, upholding its vision to make magical spaces that aim to create more meaningful memories for both parents and kids.
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