Project 52 // Dawn & Rain Weekly 52/52: It’s A Wrap! 51/52: Christmas Gifts 50/52: Cebu Adventure 48/52: You’ll Always Remember Your First Home 47/52: Counting the Days, Part 2 46/52: Counting The Days 45/52: Apartment Hunting 44/52: Little Women 43/52: Those Fleeting Moments of Bliss 42/52: Not-So-Terrible Twos 41/52: Just Before They Turned Two 40/52: Afternoons with These Two 39/52: Stuffed Toys for Rain, Books for Dawn 37/52: Purple, Shiny, Extraordinary 36/52: Lovin’ Kate Quinn Organics 35/52: BIrthday Dresses 34/52: What Keeps You Grounded 33/52: Daddy’s Love Letters 32/52: Tough Week 31/52: Sunny Side Up 30/52: Annual Twins Day 29/52: Mcdo BFF Fries 28/52: Post Typhoon Blackout