Photographs of our twin daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. As if those photographs from their second birthday were not enough, here’s more! These were taken after their birthday party, that’s why, yes, they’re still wearing their birthday dresses. :) Rain, sweet Rain. This…
The Daykeeper 2015 for Dreamers
I sometimes wonder how other Moms “chase their dreams” (or if they still do.) As a 30-year old working Mommy of twin girls, it’s been more like, “chasing deadlines” and “chasing toddlers” around here the past year. When we’re younger, there was a lot of room for trial &…
The One Where the Twins Turned Two, Part2
We dreaded the second year because of the much anticipated “terrible twos”. We have been warned, and we’ve heard the worst. And while I’m beginning to wonder what’s so “terrible” about this stage, we thought we should drown our fears with excitement and bravely say “bring it!” And so…
The One Where the Twins Turned Two, Part1
I’m breaking down their 2nd birthday in 2 parts, because unlike their birthday last year, I wasn’t too “all over the place” to take photographs this time. Also unlike last year, the girls seemed to have an idea that something special was…
41/52: Happy, Blurry Memories, Just Before They Turned 2
Photographs of our twin daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. These photographs were taken the night before their second birthday, before they fell asleep and I had some time to myself. Not that it looked different from any…
Two Years
Photos from two years ago. It’s that moment when the lights are out, and everyone is asleep, and I’m alone as the clock strikes 12 on a very special day. The twins’ 2nd birthday officially begins! And it’s as if they wanted me…