Photographs of my daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. Week 19. These photographs were captured one lovely May afternoon at the UP Town Center. It was the golden hour, and I was happy to take outdoor photos of the twins for a change,…
My Hillsong Story is NOT My Story
If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you’ll know that I’ve recounted this story many many times. It’s a story I love talking about because God has taught me so many things through this experience—lessons on trusting His perfect timing, never giving up on…
18/52: Eighteen Deserves a Little Party
Photographs of my daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. Week 18. Somewhere between weeks 18 and 19, our Dawn & Rain turned 18 months old. It was a milestone for a couple of reasons: 1) We’re half-way through their 2nd year;…
17/52: What Summers are Made
Photographs of my daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. Week 17. Can you imagine how hot this summer has been? These photographs were taken on Week 17 but this pretty much sums up our summer. In lieu of summer outings…
What’s up, I’m 31
So I turned 31 last week, and as usual, it felt like it was the twins’ birthday instead. We spent a few hours at the mall with my Mom, had some sugar overdose at Vanilla Cupcake Bakery, and took lots of…
16/52: Summer Afternoons
Photographs of my daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. Week 16. The thing is, it hasn’t sunk in until today that our girls are now toddlers. Of course, they will always be babies to me (you bet, even ’til they’re 30 years old),…