..they come into your life, make some magic, and you’re never the same. Such is what happened to me when these two little fairies graced my life with their existence. As usual, I couldn’t pick just one portrait each. So here’s…
Dawn & Rain’s Dedication
Whenever I stare at this photograph long enough, I start tearing up. No, really. Happens every single time. In fact, I’m trying to keep my eyes from staring at it too long right now. Two weeks ago we dedicated our…
Rain’s Sweet Pouts and Dawn’s Funny Faces
Outtakes from 2/52. Can you blame me for taking too many pictures of this duo, and having a hard time choosing just one shot each? Rain’s sweet little pouts! —Don’t you just want to kiss her? :-* Dawn’s adorable funny faces! —Don’t…
2/52: My little darlings
Dawn & Rain may have shared almost everything (one womb, one crib, same clothes), but they’re different in so many ways! We’re seeing more smiles now and different personalities. Dawn is the more sociable twin, she smiles so much she drives…
1/52: A Year of Dawn & Rain
I’ve blogged A LOT in the past 10 years. Chasingdreams.net alone has collected 270+ posts in 3+ years, and I’m not even adding up the ones I posted on my other sites over the past decade. I blogged about stuff…
We Love Spinkie’s Bitbit the Rabbit
This post about Spinkie’s Bitbit the Rabbit was first published on ThisMommyLife.com. When my husband and I were thinking about what to get our twins for their first Christmas, we both agreed that we won’t be giving them clothes. Newborns…