Being a mother is a balancing act. You walk a tight rope—shaping lives of little humans while doing house chores, cooking meals, managing the family budget, keeping tabs of everyone’s schedule, doing the laundry. Now add working from home and…
Weekends and Board Games
At home, I’m the go-to parent for making art, and morning cuddles, and reading books. But when it comes to fun things—like movies and field trips, and singing and dancing, and weekends and board games—their Daddy is undoubtedly the crowd…
Thank You, Blog, for the Photographs
Do you know how it’s like when it dawns on you that you lost an enormous amount of digital files, namely, photographs from the first 5 years of your daughters’ lives? You don’t? I’ll tell you how. First, it would…
What I Learned About Pursuing Passions from The Magnolia Story
This post may contain affiliate links. Read my disclosure policy here! I’m still pretty high from reading the The Magnolia Story, a book about Joanna and Chip Gaines, an extraordinary husband-and-wife tandem from Waco Texas who relentlessly pursued their passions…
How to Quit Your Job and Work from Home
I get asked this question all the time, and understandably so. These days, working from home is no longer an exception to the rule but a realistic and viable option, you just have to know where to find opportunities and how to set yourself up for it.
If you’re thinking about quitting your office-based job and starting a location-independent career, there are several pathways that you can pursue. Here are some of the lessons I learned from our own work-from-home journey.
Why We Love Moana
As someone who grew up with my favorite Disney princesses, I’m glad that Disney continues to craft interesting characters that fit our changing times, and that kids can enjoy and learn from! And check out the newly launched live show “Moana: A Homecoming” at Disneyland Hongkong.