It may be a running joke, that you lose track of your age when you reach 30, but it actually happens. These days, when someone asks me how old I am, I have to stop for a moment, think hard, and compute years in…
He Turned 31
I had a memory lapse and thought we turned 32 this year. He looked at me, stopped for a moment as if he was trying to count years in his head and then asked, “are you kidding?” I wish I…
The One Where the Twins Turned Two, Part2
We dreaded the second year because of the much anticipated “terrible twos”. We have been warned, and we’ve heard the worst. And while I’m beginning to wonder what’s so “terrible” about this stage, we thought we should drown our fears with excitement and bravely say “bring it!” And so…
The One Where the Twins Turned Two, Part1
I’m breaking down their 2nd birthday in 2 parts, because unlike their birthday last year, I wasn’t too “all over the place” to take photographs this time. Also unlike last year, the girls seemed to have an idea that something special was…
What’s up, I’m 31
So I turned 31 last week, and as usual, it felt like it was the twins’ birthday instead. We spent a few hours at the mall with my Mom, had some sugar overdose at Vanilla Cupcake Bakery, and took lots of…
His Birthday Always Feels Like It’s My Birthday Too
[Date backtracked: December 20, 2012] David would often joke about the injustice with having a birthday that falls on a busy Christmas season. First, his birthday is always overshadowed by the Christmas festivities and people are often too busy to throw…
Hello, I Turned 30!
It’s been a week since I turned 30 years old, you want to know how it feels? I’m a mix of everything—happy, excited, grateful, in awe like I still can’t believe I’m now past my 20s, a little anxious about…
My Husband Turned 28
It’s not the first time we celebrated his birthday together. Last year we were in New York, but his birthday was also the last day of my trip and I was flying back to Manila the very next day. Our…
On God’s Grand Scheme of Things
It’s my husband’s birthday today/yesterday (today in New York, yesterday in Manila). I intend to post a longer blog with lots of photos as soon as I find time, but for now, a quick post before I retreat to bed….