You know how we sometimes get heartbroken over closed doors and how it feels like it’s the end of the world when God answers us with a “NO”?
The ironic thing about closed doors is, while they, more often than not, leave us heartbroken, disoriented, and empty-handed, they’re actually some of the best things that can ever happen to our young, stubborn, and reckless lives. In spite of all the seemingly bad things that they come with, closed doors actually make decision-making a whole lot easier.
When I was in Sydney in 2008, my cousin and I took a drive one Sunday afternoon to this beautiful little town called Wollongong, an hour’s drive south of the city. (Wollongong is, by the way, officially one of my most, if not the most, favorite places in New South Wales!)
We made it to Wollongong, spent a beautiful day, pretty much lived the Australian dream—munching on fish and chips while basking on a glorious day, sand on my feet, the Pacific Ocean breeze on my skin.
But going back to Sydney, we missed a turn, so we ended up driving around in circles for more than 2 hours finding our way home. Amazingly enough, it was the “NO ENTRY” signs that brought us back on track.
It’s simple logic. When there’s a “NO ENTRY” sign, you have no choice but to not take that route. When God closes a door, you don’t push your way through that closed door, you wait on Him to open another one.
When God answers your questions and prayers with a resounding “NO”, you trust and acknowledge that He wants something else for you.
Such is life.
And I know it’s easier said than done, but I’ve learned through the years that God’s NOs in my life ultimately took me back where I’m supposed to be, especially during those times when I became too stubborn to admit that I lost my way, or times when I deluded myself into thinking that I was on the right track that I stopped relying and asking Him for directions.
“Closed doors are God’s way of directing us on the path He wants us to walk on,” I read somewhere. I couldn’t agree more.
A few months ago, God closed a door to my face and took me out of a place that was clearly not His will for me. And now, I can’t help but heave a sigh of relief, thanking God for being more stubborn than I am, and for loving me so much that He closed all the other doors except this one which He so lovingly left open for me.
Hi Tita Rhiz :)
How are you missy??
Seeing your Wollongong pixs ALWAYS puts a smile in my face :)
I rarely get a chance on the net. But was so surprise to stumble on this shoot and blog… I did apologise for the looooong trip… and you know we had heeeeaaappss to catch up on – hehehe. But it was actually ON the way to Wollongong that we started goin in circleeeees… but instead of giving up… we choose to kept moving (and chatn!)… and your neverending comments and excellent photos of Wollongong ended up as a day of catchin-up, relaxn, heaps of photo shootn… and an afternoon full of God’s lessons in life… (and it’s amazin YOU got it all in black n white! and color!). One day, after all (or even within) our life’s circles… God will lead us to our AWEsome photo-perfect specially-just-for-us place!! :)
Love you Missy!! Always whispering prayers for you! xoxo
P.S. I dont get lost going there now (hahaha!) … parachute?!?!?!
Ate Alps! I just noticed na you left a comment here pala!! :) OH IS THAT HOW? Papunta ba yun? Hehe. Either way (papunta or pabalik), following the “NO ENTRY” signs took us where we’re supposed to go, and HOW WORTH IT WAS THAT??? :)
I can’t wait to come back and spend time with you and the kids. I wish I have enough resources huhu. I like how you call Wollongong our “specially-just-for-us place”, it does felt like that. :) I miss youuuu!!! Love you so much!
@bud: Very True talaga no? HAHAHA. baket kaya.
And I qoute Angel, “When God closes a door, He’ll open 2 doors.” Panalo! HAHAHA.
When God closes a door, spill a glass of milk? :D
mental image: rita going her merry oblivious way… she is an inch from the abyss when she is seized by the collar by a huge hand. then shaken hard.
“sabi nang HUWAG DIYAN!”
Very cinematic, Tarits. Anong background music nyan? Hehe.
You’re the most profound ever. I have never thought of trials this way until I read your post. Thanks for such inspiring writing, Riz!
Your comments never fail to make me smile, T! Thanks for constantly reading. Love ya! :)
True. Very true. :)
Yeah? :)