And I’m not about to tell you what to eat, what to do when your feet are swollen, or what’s the best sleeping position with a huge watermelon-sized tummy. There are gazillions of websites for those tips already (try Baby Center & What to Expect), and surely they know more than I do.
What I’ve been meaning to share is something that is both biblical and practical, and something that’s truly worked for me: First, that you wait until you’re married to get pregnant, and second, that you marry someone who will take care of you in the course of pregnancy (and beyond!) and will take responsibility for your future babies as much as you do.
Photos are from my 26th week, we have not taken maternity shots in a while.
You see, pregnancy brings about a gazillion of changes in your body, emotions, personality, schedule, and in everything that you are. To start with, pregnancy makes you cranky, and crave for all sorts of food, and pretty much tired all the time. There are days when you feel ugly, and your body will undergo physical changes that are not exactly.. pretty. And then you find yourself crying even more than usual, not just because of the pains but because of hormones as well.
When your baby bump is bigger, you have to be literally pulled out of bed in the mornings (or in the wee hours of the night) because you can’t get up by yourself anymore. You feel pain everywhere, pains that don’t exactly have medical cure, so you need a massage in lieu of pain killers.. or, when the massage does not work, a comfort hug that reminds you that you’re not going through this alone.
Through all these, you need someone patient enough to be around, to support you, and to lovingly be at your beck and call.
And I know it must sound like I’m telling you to get a private caregiver, lol, but mostly what I’m saying is.. aside from the fact that sex and pregnancy are designed by God to be within the bounds of marriage, pregnancy is team effort. It’s hard and challenging, but it becomes so much easier when done as a team.
I salute single mothers out there who’s done pregnancy on their own.. but for you who still have a choice, I’m saying, don’t screw up the timeline, friend. Engagement, wedding, marriage, pregnancy, motherhood—each one is a beautiful phase to savor and enjoy, one phase at a time.
So get married first, and go through pregnancy with your husband. You will definitely need lots of help, lots of love, & lots of attention! ;)
I’m not sure what happened but my first comment didn’t appear. But I just want to tell you how much I love your blog and your stories – full of optimism and inspiration and faith.
I’m taking this challenge, Riz. Hope I can do it! Hehe. :) I think I’m gonna be the crankiest pregnant woman when it’s my turn na. lol
I’m sure you can! :) Go go goooo Joni!
AND you need awesome friends who’ll pray & eat junk food for you and rant with you. LOL ;;)
There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens: – Ecclesiastes 3:1
Every phase is beautiful in His time :)
That’s right! That’s why I VOTE that you get pregnant WHILE YOU’RE STILL HERE, so that YOUR AWESOME FRIENDS can eat junk food and rant with you. :P