Whenever I stare at this photograph long enough, I start tearing up. No, really. Happens every single time. In fact, I’m trying to keep my eyes from staring at it too long right now.
Two weeks ago we dedicated our twins, Dawn & Rain, to the Lord. It was an emotional week for us. The in-laws (D’s parents) were in town to meet their grand children for the first time (it’s been a while since we spent time with them too!), there were gatherings of loved ones and friends here and there, even making DIY decorations for the party was a sentimental time.
The truth is, I panic sometimes. How are we to raise these two kids when we, ourselves, are just.. kids? But maybe it’s a good kind of panic—because it makes us come to Him everyday with full awareness that we can never do this without an abundance of His grace, provision, and strength. He is the one who has given us these blessings, and He will be the one to enable us to take care of them. There’s simply no other way. It is in that note that we gathered a small group of our loved ones and friends (we wished we could have invited more!) to witness as we dedicated our dear Dawn & Rain to the Lord.
As Pastor Dave shared in his message that day, we’re dedicating them to the One who said, “Let the little children come to me.” (Matthew 19) We may not have everything it takes to raise two babies at once, but we do have God with us in this journey, and He happens to love little children! Where else can we learn parenthood but from The Father Himself?
Photographs from the dedication are in my Facebook account, you can view them all here. Normally I’d dump lots of photos here, especially from an important occasion such as this. But today I feel like posting just one photograph, one that summed up the occasion for me: Me & my husband standing in front of the altar, beaming with so much joy, holding these two little humans with trembling hands, and dedicating them to the One who has entrusted them to us.
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