The days and the months have been passing by so swiftly. Tomorrow, Dawn and Rain are turning 8 months old. And in a typical “new mommy” fashion, I can’t stop marveling at how fast they’ve been growing! As promised, here’s a rundown of the weeks I’ve missed in my 52 Week Project. These photos were mostly taken with an iPhone, between May 12 to June 10. Soooo hard to pick just one or two from each week, but here are the best ones.
15/52: Last Sunday with Ninang Jeline
Dawn & Rain don’t have any concept of goodbyes just yet, and surely they will not have any recollection of this day, but I want them to remember their Ninang J through these photographs. And these pretty dresses that she’s gifted them.
15/52: A Year of Dawn & Rain | Week of June 2-8
Portraits of my children, once a week, every week in 2013
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14/52: Guess How Much I Love You
I looked everywhere for a copy of this book for months until finally finding one in a book sale. I kept it and looked forward to a time when we could finally read the story to the twins. At last, we had our chance.
I watched my husband read the story to them, holding a phone camera and making sure I captured the moment. Rain was a little more attentive, like she’s really listening to each and every word her Daddy said. Dawn’s attention span was a little shorter; she couldn’t wait to flip the pages, sometimes she would even lean forward with her tongue sticking out as if wanting to taste the book. It’s funny seeing their personalities shine through as early as now. :)
As their Daddy ended the story with the all-too-familiar words, “I love you to the moon and back,” my heart was just.. bursting at the seams. It would take Dawn & Rain a few more years, and more bedtime stories, but someday.. someday they’ll understand what those words mean.
14/52: A Year of Dawn & Rain | Week of May 26-June 1
Portraits of my children, once a week, every week in 2013
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My greatest birthday gifts
I turned 30 years old, and I wouldn’t have celebrated it any other way. I already said a handful about that day so click here to read it, if you haven’t yet. :)
13/52: A Year of Dawn & Rain | Week of May 19-25
Portraits of my children, once a week, every week in 2013
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Just one of those happy Saturday afternoons
I have a theory. I think that, soon as their Daddy and Mommy have fallen asleep, Dawn and Rain go to a secret school. In this secret school they learn how to make funny faces, and how to be adorable, and how to get their parents wrapped around their tiny fingers. Because really, we don’t teach them these things, and somehow they’ve become experts at it!
12/52: A Year of Dawn & Rain | Week of May 12-18
Portraits of my children, once a week, every week in 2013
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