It’s one of those days when the twins are too busy playing with their toys to look up and smile for the camera. Fiiine. :)
They’re turning 9 months old next week! At this point, they like testing their boundaries by crawling beyond the edges of their play mat, and walking around the house with support. Dawn likes clapping her hand when she’s bored, and Rain likes screaming when she’s excited.
I like to think that they’re happiest every time the door opens and they see me or their Daddy come home from work or from school—the smiles on their faces are just.. priceless. Admittedly, those are my happiest times of day too.
Our house is a mess. Their toys are all over the place, there’s barely enough floor space to walk on, and we don’t have enough closet space for their growing amount of clothes. They consume milk and disposable diapers like there’s no tomorrow. Our schedule revolves around the time they’re supposed to eat, and play, and sleep. And 24 hours is simply not enough for all the tasks and chores that has to be done.
Life has never been more busy and more chaotic than this.
But it has never been happier too. :)
19/52: A Year of Dawn & Rain | Week of June 30-July 6
Portraits of my children, once a week, every week in 2013
Oh wow, you have two beautiful babies!! Got here via DaintyMom. :) Will be back to read more of your blog entries! :)