In this post the twins teach you the basics of photobomb-ing.
When someone is taking a picture of something or someone, strategically position yourself in the background and..
Photobomb Tip #1. Do something totally random or candid, as if you don’t know that the person is taking pictures.
Photobomb Tip #2. Make a wacky or a schemy face. Or both.
Photobomb Tip #3. If you want to totally steal the spotlight, grab the item the person is taking pictures of. Or, do some cartwheels. Make sure you execute your cartwheels well so that it won’t look like you just fell with your face flat on the ground.
Extra Tip. If you’re feeling totally in the mood for it, you can also ask a willing assistant, like your Daddy maybe, to help you execute more elaborate cartwheels. And then proudly say, “I have the Coolest. Daddy. Ever.”
Get the picture?
x o x o
Haaayyy. I just can’t. Get. Them. To. Stay. Put! Which, as you probably notice, has been the story of my life for the past few weeks. Frustrated, I started taking photos of Winnie the Pooh and Bitbit The Rabbit na nga lang.
I guess the twins won’t let me take photos of their toys in peace too. Oh well. :)
21/52: A Year of Dawn & Rain | Week of July 14-July 20
Portraits of my children, once a week, every week in 2013
omg dawn’s cart wheels!!! hahahahaha so cuuuutttteeeee <3 natuloy ba niya yan?!
Haha failed attempts, always! She tries to crawl with her face, so imagine mo, instead of just 4 limbs, she has FIVE. Haha.
At least hindi pa niya nare-realize that it’s easier to crawl with her butt! :P