This has always, always been the case. At the end of each photo shoot, we end up with exactly ONE picture-perfect portrait of the twins (like the one above), and hundreds of these:
These girls. They drive us crazy.
They’re 10 months old today, but these photos were from last month, July 24, when they turned 9 months. We didn’t buy them a cake. Instead, we handed them two bags of heart-shaped marshmallows as gifts, which were left-overs from a candy buffet we set up around that time.
If these two were made to take the marshmallow test (watch it! watch it!), they probably would have failed. Lol. I can’t wait to see if they pass the marshmallow test when they’re older.
Haha, their faces. My husband and I can’t help but chuckle every time we view this set of photos.
The last photo with their Daddy was taken after we’ve washed them up and changed their clothes. And yes, that’s the best one I got of the three of them. Sorry, Daddy.
The whole nine months
At this point I feel the need to celebrate being a Mommy too. At nine months these girls have been out in this world almost the same time they were inside my womb. And it still amazes me when I think about how tiny they used to be, and how on earth those big cheeks and chubby legs managed to fit inside my body.
They grow so fast and we have no choice but to grow with them. I’m pretty sure we’ve grown in the past 10 months more than we ever grew in the past 30 years. And these two clueless tiny humans are the greatest teachers we’ve ever had! They teach us to be alert, to be wise in how we use our time, to pray more fervently, to slow down, to enjoy the little things and see the world with new eyes.
Happy ten months, bebegirls. Thank you for gracing our lives with your presence. We love you.
22/52: A Year of Dawn & Rain | Week of July 21-July 27
Portraits of my children, once a week, every week in 2013
My most fave in this set: the ones with the marshmallows in their mouths! Kagigil! ~Normi
Kukyut!! Sila mismo parang mga marshmallow, sarap i-squish!! :)