I remember it like it was just yesterday, preparing for our twins’ arrival. Seven months into pregnancy, my husband and I started carefully disinfecting every nook and cranny of the house, and gently washing their first set of clothes.
As first time parents, ordinary tasks like washing baby clothes or hanging curtains in the nursery were sacred and emotional moments. We knew our lives were going to change forever, yet totally clueless about how much it actually would!
You can never be fully prepared for motherhood
The thing is, no parent saw it coming, how much love would overflow at the sight of a tiny baby you just met, how addicted you would be to the smell of your baby’s skin, or how much a little smile would change you, break you, wreck you.
Nothing would prepare you for the sleepless nights, the laundry that doesn’t seem to run out, the scare of a little insect bite or a low-grade fever, the endless packing and unpacking of the diaper bag, the crying, the feeding, the bathing.
The good news is, you get better at it somehow. You learn to decipher what your baby needs just by the sound of her cries. You know not to pack too many clothes or too many bottles. You know what brands of shampoo or laundry detergent to buy. You learn to deal with the bad days and make the most out of the good ones.
And you become appreciative of the fact that you don’t have to do motherhood alone. You get by with a lot of help from your family and friends, and from passionate brands who understand your need to give your children only the best.
Cycles and Cradle is in the business of partnering with mothers to give their children utmost love and care.
A company that was established by a meticulous and protective mother herself, Cycles and Cradle offers natural and innovative baby products—from laundry detergent to bottle cleansers, from baby wash and lotion to insect repellent and diaper cream.
We got our first set of Cycles mild laundry detergent products from our baby shower, three years ago, gifted to us by a seasoned mother who knew just what we needed to have as new parents. We’ve been using Cycles laundry detergent ever since, and just recently started using their baby skincare products under the new Cycles Sensitive line.
Proudly Filipino-made, Cycles and Cradle celebrates its 10th year anniversary this month, and we join the thousands of mothers and families whose lives were made better and easier by this brand’s commitment and vision to give our little ones only the best.
We couldn’t be more grateful.
Happy 10th anniversary, Cycles and Cradles! Thank you for being all around awesome.
Cycles and Cradle Baby Essentials
To know more about Cycles and Cradles, visit their websites and follow them on Instagram.
Cycles Laundry Detergent // cyclesbaby.com / Instagram
Cradle Natural Cleansers // cradlenatural.com / Instagram
Cycles Sensitive // cycles-sensitive.com
Hi Rhiza! I’ve read about Cycles and Cradle in most mommy blogs, so I bought a couple before I gave birth. So far, I’m loving both products. I like that the Cycles does not have a very strong smell, and with Cradle, I’m assured that my baby’s bottles and toys are thoroughly cleaned!