Our friends Rachel and Noel have been inviting us to Madison’s Bistro Moderne since it opened early this year, but it wasn’t until last week that we found time to go. As appetizers were served and I munched on this thing they call “Speck and…
30/52: This Weekend Is The Annual Twins Days!
Photographs of our twin daughters, every week, once a week, this 2014. Week 30. This pretty much the scenario when we tell them to “hug!” I think these photographs need no further words :) A little shout out to my partner-in-crime—my runner and assistant, the…
29/52: Who Do You Share Your Mcdo BFF Fries With?
Photographs of my daughters, every week, once a week, this 2014. Week 29. Dawn goes, “I’m eating, no pictures please.” And Rain’s like, “Don’t touch my fries.” We tried it, my husband and I, to finish one order of BFF…
28/52: Post-typhoon Blackout
Photographs of my daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. It was Wednesday, dusk, post-Glenda, when I took these photographs. There was a Metro Manila-wide power outage, and for us, the blackout started at 6AM and lasted til 9PM. It was…
27/52: I Love the Sound of the Word “Photographs”
Photographs of my daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. Week 27. Just another one of those Sunday afternoons, back from church. The girls were wearing these dresses from their Ninang Mae, and had already taken off their shoes when I remembered to…
26/52: Remnants of Summer
Photographs of my daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. Week 26. A little odd that I’m posting this tonight, when a tropical storm is currently passing through the country. The typhoon season is here, but it helps to know…