..is awesome!
DAY SIX. Wow. People can actually do this? :) Forgive my amazement, I came from two years with a Samsung E250, which I thought was kinda jurassic (it came with a Sun Cellular line so how can I complain?). I never really figured out how to use WAP on that thing even, but I’ve grown to love it just the same. After all, it served me well for two years and survived dropage (lol, is there even a word?) of various forms and ways, the last one being into a pail of water in my bathroom, before finally succumbing to death.
But that’s the E250. Let’s talk about this *cough*still-unpaid*cough* Nokia E71.
6/30. Blogging with Nokia E71
I’ve always thought I’m a Nokia person, though I happened to have tried a Sony Ericsson and a Samsung in the past. Woot, I’m back to using a Nokia now. :)
Truth be told, I’m a sucker for pretty-looking phones. Often, I’d choose one for its looks, not for its technical specs. I still currently have in possession a pink Sony z70i, which I only bought because it’s pink but never really got to use so much. Oh hey, i’m putting it up for sale btw. :-p
This Nokia E71, while loaded with awesome features, was actually a choice I made because I thought it was really pretty. I even waited for weeks to find the white version because I refused to get the black or the silver one. And mind you, it was not easy finding this. The white E71 had been out-of-stock for some time, trust me when I say I’ve looked far and wide, that’s why when I finally found one last remaining stock at some store in Megamall, there was no room for second thoughts.
And here I am now, feeling like I won the lottery for finding a cell phone that’s not only pretty but also a useful tool, considering my line of work. I love how I can check email anywhere, and read through my favorite feeds. And I’m loving the qwerty too. I didn’t think I’d have the patience to learn qwerty since my fingers have already become accustomed to the normal way of texting all these years, but now, qwerty is the way to go baby!
Lastly, I like being able to blog in a situation where it’s crazy — not impossible but crazy — to open a laptop, like in a cab ride such as this one. Why hello traffic, this one’s for you! The only worry I have now is if this thing has autosave, I think not, so this has to be posted on my first try.
Or else my next post will be about why mobile blogging sucks. :-p
In the spirit of being consistent with my 30 awesome things, I shall upload a photo to come with this post, later with my mac. Yeah, I’m OC like that. Ta-ta!
Edit, few hours later. Notes in parenthesis are added with my Mac. :)
Edit, some more hours later. Added a photo.
30 Days of Awesome, 6/30.
Wow I love your blog! And your photos…what camera do you use?
I recently got a Nokia e71 and was wondering if you blog and post straight from you phone…if so, what app are you using? I can’t seem to find one compatible for the e71…><;;
random: anong kulay ng chapstick na iyan? orange? red orange? grabe color blind ba ako?
i could get addicted to your 30 days of awesomeness. ;)
adik ka. nagbablog via cellphone.
droppage is double P. i have that word in MY dictionary, you should see it. LOL.
can i have the pink Sony? i srsly need a new phone. :P
Sorry naman sa spelling, baklang to. Kung di mo lang birthday e.
And the pink sony! sure thing! But i’ll have to buy a charger first, lol, nawala ko ata e. Hehe.
I like the white Nokia E71 too!! Good choice, gurl! Second choice ko sya sa Blackberry. But I’m broke right now so I don’t even have the right to dream of having a new phone! haha. unless, may magbigay ng free! hehehe.
At wow ha, you typed this post using the phone lang? ang tiyaga! =)
haha i bought this with a credit card, so technically, i still dont have the right to call it mine :)) then again, who gives rights to dream anyway? Dream lang nang dream! :)
And yes, ang haba pala, haha I didn’t think I could type on a qwerty that much, kala ko maiksi lang e! :))
Yay for an early post! :) Looks like the convenience of an online-anywhere phone paid off :p
LOL, not really an early post. :) It’s dated July 28 o. And it’s the 29th now. So one more post for today. :)
You wrote this WHOLE entry using a cellphone? Awesome ideed! :D
LOL Mara! I didn’t realize it was that long din! :)) I was only seeing quarter of the page in the small mobile screen, akala ko maiksi lang ung pinost ko.
But yeah, awesome. :))