Last Thursday, I went to the mall to look for an extra rack for my clothes because my stuff won’t fit in my closet anymore. The intention was pure, I needed to de-clutter before snakes start nesting on clothes that were scattered in every corner of my room. Clothes rack, check.
What I failed to do, however, was resist looking around and buying a few more things that I don’t really need.
And it all started with this wall clock. (Isn’t it the prettiest thing?)
I don’t know how it started, but this crazy obsession with typewriters and anything vintage (-looking) came to me with this sudden fondness for wall clocks. (Not too long, I also took home an old Coca Cola Wall Clock from Vintage Pop’s clearance sale.) So yep, this vintage-inspired clock found its way to my shopping cart in no time, as if I needed more reminders that time is ticking away.
This was shortly followed by these floral printed curtains, which were on sale. The huge floral pattern looks like something my grandmother will appreciate, which is exactly what I love about it. And I like how I didn’t have to take down my old red curtains because as it seems, the printed pattern looks perfect against the two-toned red curtains anyway.
Surely, red and olive green look lovely together, Christmas or no Christmas.
And then there were just a few more things: fake flowers on a porcelain pot, scented candle in a jadeite metal pail, and a cheapo table cloth with orange and red stitches. Voila, instant living room overhaul.
I got home from the mall yesterday feeling a bit guilty for splurging (again) on things that were not in my budget to begin with. Tonight, however, as I spend time in this little corner, I know that I could justify my impulse buying again and win in court.
I needed this change.
For freelancers like me, who spend most of our days confined in such a small space, little changes like this spell a lot of difference. Workplaces affect productivity, after all.
Old items: (1) Love seat/two-seater couch from SM Departmen Store; (2) Red throw pillows from Our Home; (3) Red two-toned curtains from some supermarket, I can’t remember which one; (4) Lamp from Ikea; (5) Red adjustable round table from Dimensione; (6) Vintage make-up kit and coffeeholics mug from Vintage Pop.
Recent additions, all from SM Department Store: (1) Floral printed curtains (P375 each x2); (2) Vintage-inspired wall clock (P299); (3) Red table cloth (P35); (4) Scented candle on a pail (P239); (5) Fake flowers in a porcelain pot (P149).
P.S. Daily doses of Decor8, plus the habitual bloghopping through her blogroll, did this to me. Thanks, Holly. :)
aawww riz I really love your condo! <3
Heee, I love how I can do anything with it, and how messy I could let it go. :))
i haven’t been to your condo.
what, are we like, friends or something?
Let’s!!! :)