DAY FIFTEEN. I know, I’m a spoiled brat like that — or so my brothers would tell me. I, however, would like to think of it as being assertive and fixing your eyes on the goal. You have to work your way to getting what you want, you know. And in this case, it wasn’t hard. I just had to put on my puppy-eyed look, be extra sweet, and ta-da, we‘re on our way to Serendra in no time. ;)
15/30. Cupcakes by Sonja!!
Alas, I didn’t have to torture myself drooling over photos of cupcakes anymore, I got myself a box of the real thing! (Ate Maia, don’t be mad, I tried to call you!!)
I’m not sure though if it was a good idea to overdose on glucose and caffeine after dinner. Poor R had to endure this sugary dessert with me. (Hello, diet, we’ll deal with you later.) :p
Two Vanilla Sunshines in 2 different colors (can’t get enough of it!), a Lemon Drop, and a Chocolate Surprise. *nomnomnom*
I think I’ll save some for breakfast. :)
On another note, I’m halfway through this 30-day Blog Challenge (let the cupcakes serve as my way of celebrating) and I have to say, the past two weeks were, indeed, made of awesome. And that’s not only because I was able to blog in 2 weeks more than I ever blogged in roughly a year, lol, but also because I’m somehow, little by little, creating the habit of seeing the little joys that come with everydays. I think that is the most awesome of all.
I’m excited to find out what will come out of this, I’m already listing down a few after-30-day-blog-challenge things that I’ll try to venture in. Also, in the next few days, I’ll be giving away something to some of you who have followed this little project of mine — and I’ll make sure it’s something you’ll really appreciate. :)
Meanwhile, visit Maia’s blog, she also started a 30-day thing of her own. She’s blogging about happy things over there. And Happy is Awesome’s cousin! So yay, visit her! (This is all your fault, Mariel!)
30 Days of Awesome, 15/30.
Hi :)
Just got your comment.
If you want to just send $13 direct from paypal to my email:
that’d be great — thank you!
omg vanilla sunshines.
i’ve been craving for those for a month, but tss, i’ve been a total and complete failyer.
Ahhh my favorite. :)
Let’s Sonjas one of these days! :)
My favorite from Sonja is the cream-filled non-cupcake cupcake! I can’t remember it’s name so I called it the non-cupcake cupcake. It’s not really a cupcake since its base is made up of crushed oreo cookies :p Now I want one!
Hmm.. sounds yummy. Now which one is that so I know what to order next time!! :)
Sniff. I hope you were thinking of me when you were buying the cupcakes. And when you were eating it na. And when you were blogging about it. Sniff sniff.
But but buuuut I called you!! You didnt answer. Hehe. Let’s Sonjas again next time. :)