DAY SEVENTEEN. I’m posting early, for a change, because it’s Saturday, and I’m not sure whether I’ll have internet tonight or not. So.. I was choosing between blogging about the delivery of the bed I was expecting to come today (ahhh! a bed, at last!), or this. And since I’m not really in the mood to take photos (of a bed, no less), the choice is pretty easy to make. Besides, who doesn’t think that Twitter is aawweesoome?
Behold, the last 12 people I added on twitter:
Oh, ignore the last *cough*celebrity*cough*, please. I think I accidentally added that one.
Of course I DIDN’T mean it’s awesome getting hourly updates from Robert Pattinson about what he had for lunch, and who he’s iChatting with, and all his *friendly* banter with Kristen Stewart; or having confirmed actual movie screening dates straight from Rachel McAdams herself (Time Traveller’s Wife, woot!); or getting tweets from the Harry Potter cast, Tom Felton, Bonnie Wright (omg she calls her twitter followers “Bonnatweets” haha!), James Phelps and Oliver Phelps as they start shooting for HP7.
Naah. That’s not what I meant by awesome. It’s not like I’m a twitterwhore or something, you know.
I meant it’s awesome how Twitter *accidentally* got all this fame, having been noticed by all these celebrities. Free multiple-endorsements, woot! Twitter’s got us all wrapped around its little finger now, but I’m pretty sure that they, themselves, don’t know how that happened too, lol. #luck
Now if someone from Twitter please verify these accounts, QUICK!
Edit. Hi, this is the real Riz. The one who just blogged was my crazy #fangirl of a twin, who, for some reason got out of her cage. I shall go back to regular programming with more real awesomeness tomorrow. Thanks.
Ahhh, Saturday shmaterday. Enjoy your weekend, everyone! :)
Edit, August 11. If these twitters are not verified in a week, I will unfollow! Gahd.
30 Days of Awesome, 17/30.
I can see my twitter icon! :D
hahaah i’m following RTP_ now because of you. omg its really him … i want to die rin whenever he tweets.
Nice list! I’m a bit skeptic though when it’s not a verified account. Most, if not all, tweets could easily be posted by fakers.. :|
And here I thought I’m the only one suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder :P
#fangirl Riz come back soon! :)
aaaaaah. i will follow zaaaaaaaaaaaaaac! *cries sa sobrang kilig*
high-pitched yan ah. waaaaaah.