It’s the end of the week again, and I’m sure at this time on a Saturday morning, you’re still curled up in bed catching up on sleep. Enjoy it, you deserve it! :) Me? Well, I don’t (deserve it). Because I’ve been oversleeping the whole week, and now, I have to force myself to be up early in hopes of correcting my body clock again (one has to keep trying, you know).
I’ve been doing night shift the whole week, starting my day really late and sleeping at past 5AM the next day. Not that I’m required to, but my days have become twisted and I just couldn’t get any work done when it’s too.. (uh) bright. (What a lame.) I really have to stop being like this. The effects are manifesting physically already, I seem to be so sickly lately.
OAN, I suddenly miss being forced to blog and take photos everyday! Hence this photograph I took 5 minutes ago, and this post. That’s how my desk looks like right now. I can’t remember when I moved those fake flowers from the coffee table to my desk, but I do remember liking the view of something — anything — pretty in a pile of mess while I work. That red giant button is actually my handy dandy sewing kit, I used it the other day to fix some items for the shop. And then there’s a roll of paper twine, some pearl and beaded necklaces, 5 peso coins, rechargable batteries, and my cup of coffee that’s already cold.
But enough about me and my boring desk and my boring Saturday morning.
Three of my friends have been doing the 30-day blog challenge and I’ve been following them closely, excited to see where their journeys will take them:
Reah‘s 30 days is almost over. Hers is a collection of musings of a 26-year old wife and expecting Mom. I’m glad there are people like her who share their story. And then the rest of us can get a glimpse of how it‘s like. ;)
I just love getting to know Tina more with her 30 days that is composed of just about anything that makes her Tina. I love the idea of finding one of those Switchfoot CDs she hid in random places. I’m tempted to go to Eastwood and look where the Starbucks bearistas are. It reminds me of what R thought of doing 3 years ago, leaving simple art pieces in random places for strangers to find. I’m inspired to do something similar. :)
Lastly, Lovelle’s 30 Day Love Challenge is just the perfect theme for her. She ends her posts with little challenges like, “Give a chocolate bar to your boss who you really dislike,” or “Give your mom a break this weekend, do the laundry,” — simple stuff you can do to spread teh luv. It’s brilliant, I love it. :) I did the laundry “challenge” yesterday, only for me, it involved putting the dirty laundry in a bag and carrying it over to the laundry shop and paying extra so they would deliver it back. Err, does that count?
Carry on, ladies. Keep us inspired. :)
Meanwhile, it’s drizzling again in this side of the world. Why isn’t the weather cooperating just when you’ve made a decision to be productive? Okay, scratch that. I’m going to get some work done, by hook or by crook. c”,)
Enjoy your weekend, everyone!
Haha it’s almost halfway into September and I still have no theme for my 30 days. I feel so lame all of a sudden. :P
Oh and I just checked the two places where I hid the CDs and they’re gone already. I wonder who got them. I should burn more copies and hide them in more places while I can. :)
Your theme is “Tina” ano ba. :) That’s not lame! :)
hahah…rhiz. you made me laugh. doing the laundry is ze best thing ever!
i was suppose to do this challenge while counting the days ’til my ‘lovelife’ would come back home from working overseas, but surprisingly,he got back home earlier than i expeted. :) So i guess i needed another motivation to do the blogging challenge and i think i got one here. :)
Good luck with your 30 days! At least you don’t have to wait for 30 days to have him back. :)
I love lists and challenges. Your friend’s 30-day love challenge is fantastic. I’m doing a daily blog to list all of the things in life that make me smile: It’s fun, but it also makes me take the time each day to reflect on something that makes me happy (which is especially helpful on stressful days).
Hey Jennifer! Good luck with your own list. :) It’s always good to focus on the happy things. :)