Photographs of my daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. Week 15. (Are you ready for this? Cuteness overload up ahead. Don’t say you weren’t warned!)
Dawn & Rain: Home from church, all dolled up in their Sunday best.
Dawn: It’s sort of her new thing, wrinkling her nose up to a silly smile like that. I mean, come on, who teaches her these things? Not us! So. Adorable.
Rain: Has always been the twin who loves dolls and stuffed toys. That stuffed bunny she’s holding? That’s our first Christmas gift to them. #brbcrying
At this point, I probably shouldn’t apologize anymore for the redundant shots, as with most of the posts in this project. It’s so hard to pick the best photos, and it’s so hard also to get them to smile at the same time.
Except for this one with their Daddy, which was picture perfect:
My. Heart.
And then we traded places, him holding the camera and me posing with the twins. And bear with me, for looking all too smitten, like a little girl who’s having so much fun with her dolls.
My 7-year old self would be thrilled to know that having baby girls is so much more fun than dressing up dolls. <3
More about Project 52 here. View all posts in this blog series here.
I keep on coming back to this post since yesterday because I can’t get over the cuteness. :D So adorable!
One of the best way to start my week ate Rhiz. Thanks for sharing those super cute pics of your family. =)
Dawn and her dad have the same smile. :) Cute twins!!!
Oh that second shot with you! <3
Oh, your children are sooo cute!
Ronnie xo