Photographs of my daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. Week 25.
This set is definitely one of my faves! Can I just say, I may be the one deciding what they wear on Sundays but I can NOT take any credit for the way they pose..
..or the way they project themselves in front of the camera.
Nope, I didn’t teach them that. Their Daddy denies teaching them that too. Lol.
But for sure their Daddy is semi-responsible for making them laugh. He can be such a clown sometimes, and the girls love it when he goofs around.
Also, don’t you just love those dresses? You know, when mommyhood is becoming tough and monotonous (and sometimes even lonely), I sometimes resort to retail therapy. When I was single, I’d give myself a little treat once in a while and make room in my budget for some shopping spree. (I can see my husband rolling his eyes on “once in a while”.)
When we had Dawn & Rain, my retail therapy shifted to dresses and accessories in much smaller sizes.
If retail therapy is not possible, which is often the case (no time, no budget), I discovered one therapy that doesn’t cost anything at all: taking out my camera and snapping photos of my girls. Ahh, ‘works like wonders!
Are you a mommy who’s feeling a little lonely sometimes too? Here’s one thing you know you can do: Take out your camera (or phone!) and snap photos of your children. Take photos of your messy house even. Or your dirty laundry. Or the toys that are scattered all over your living room floor.
We all want to remember this time of our lives forever, so go ahead, take pictures! Preserve the memories. They say it will be over before we know it.
Love your girls!!! :)