13/30: A Kiss. This 30-day Challenge is becoming more and more keso, I know. Half-way through it now, almost! Also, hitting two birds with one stone post.
Dear Lord, I went to this wedding and they kissed in church. Is that ok? ~Neil, 8 yrs old. Haha.
1. It’s been an uphill but steady ride since that first kiss as husband and wife, each day giving us reasons to believe that in spite of everything people warned us about it, God’s design of marriage is truly beautiful and definitely worth all the challenges it comes with. My most favorite time of day, if I were to choose just one, would have to be that fleeting moment after saying our prayer and before drifting off to sleep. Half-conscious, half-asleep, we would let go of all the concerns of the day, say good night, give each other a kiss, and find rest in knowing that we’re right where we’re supposed to be.
2. I lost my old, almost empty G-tech pen last Sunday and I was really bummed about being forced to write on my journal with this random, black gel pen I found lying around the house. I like writing in blue ink, and I didn’t think David noticed little details like that until he picked me up from work yesterday and surprised me with a.. (ta-da) blue, 0.4, G-tech pen–just the way I like it. Big or small, you gotta love surprises. <3
3. The husband and I are off to some place beautiful this weekend. I can’t wait! (:
Photo by my cousin, Arthur Trinidad.
heart :)