I imagine myself blogging this as if I was not gone for almost half a year (wait what?!). You didn’t really notice it’s been that long huh? :)
Thing is, I do get asked by friends and long-time readers about the status of my relaunch every now and then, but no one really noticed this blog’s absence more than me. And fine, more than my husband. (Ladies in the house, take note, marry a guy who inspires and pushes you to launch those dreams).
Everyday that I wasn’t able to relaunch the site, there’s like a huge thought bubble above my head that just won’t go away, an unchecked item on my list I couldn’t quite ignore, and a husband who kept asking “So? Did you do it? Is it up now?”
To recap, the last time I published a post here was in March, and then I had to renew www.chasingdreams.net for the 7th year (there’s something about the 7th year of anything, huh?) back in June. That’s the time I took the website down for what I intended was just a quick redesign like I do every year, and I kinda lost track of time since then. Here we are now, 4 months later.
So before we cut the proverbial ribbon and throw imaginary confetti around the pages of this website, I thought we should talk about what just happened there. (Because you and I can learn together from this.)
Redefining the chase
The truth is, I ponder upon the correctness of the brand “Chasing Dreams” more times than you can imagine. Every year when I have to renew my domain name I ask myself, does it still represent what I really want to do around here?
And then there are days when it makes me feel tired just seeing the words “chasing dreams”. (There, I said it. Haha.) It makes me wonder if I’m sending the right message to the readers of this blog, or if I’m only adding to the restlessness and frustration. The question has nagged me even more this year, when it becomes clear as crystal that God is telling me to step aside, to slow down, to stay still.
I was ready to quit Chasing Dreams. Just leave it in the dark, make it disappear without explanation. And I honestly felt good about this option at first. The idea of leaving the online scene, focusing on my family, doing a low-profile behind-the-scenes kind of job from the comforts of our dining table, away from the noise, away from crowds of people—this scenerio is quite appealing to the introvert that I am, really.
And yet somehow, everytime I consider dropping it altogether, I end up having a stronger resolve and a deeper grasp of what this brand really means.
This chase is not about being in the fast lane or being in the center of the hype, nor is it about chasing big, shiny things. I think it’s actually quite the opposite.
For me, this chase is about the relentless pursuit of one’s ultimate calling and purpose, of doing work that affects not just yourself but the people around you, people in your extended circles, people God brings to your reach. It’s about the fervent desire to figure out what God has meant for you to do in this life, whatever season you’re in, wherever in the world you are. It’s about intentionally pursuing what He has placed in your heart, and passionately doing it out of obedience, servitude and gratitude to Him.
I had to remind myself that Chasing Dreams doesn’t mean figuring out the fastest way to get to the finish line; it means enjoying the ride and embracing the journey, mess and all, whether it means working double time and hustling hard, or slowing down and waiting on God.
It just makes a lot of sense to me when I see Chasing Dreams in that light.
It’s the season of relaunching dreams
Some of my most favorite people in the world are recently relaunching (and rebranding) their businesses too. If you feel like the leaves are turning and something is shifting in your own creative journey but you feel scared of the change, we all can learn something from these amazing women of faith who are blazing their own trail.
- Lara Casey and Cultivate What Matters. Lara Casey’s rebranding her shop to “Cultivate What Matters”, and her surprise announcement comes with a wealth of wisdom I’m sure you’ll find useful in your own journey (as I have).
- Lindsay Letters Studio. I only started following Lindsay recently, but her recent post about why she’s rebranding her business (from Lindsay Letters Shop to Lindsay Letters Studio) resonated so well with what God has been impressing upon me these days. I’m so inspired by her passion to make art to bless people’s lives, while using her God-given gifts to provide for her family.
- Karen Stott and Pursuit Community. Karen is not just an inspiration, I’m so blessed to be able to call her friend too. And most of you already know that finding Pursuit Community in 2014 totally changed my life. Karen recently poured her heart out on the Pursuit blog and talked about this big dream God has placed in her heart.
Psst. Yes you. It doesn’t have to be the start of the year to launch something new or to do that thing you’ve always dreamed of doing. I think you should go for it. ;)
A Special Giveaway
Finally, here’s a giveaway I’m just CRAZY about because I have two of my good friends, Nadine of Posh Pocket Shoes and Nike of Nikita Accessories, share their own labor of love with the readers of this blog.
Coincidentally, Posh Pocket Shoes recently launched their first ever flagship studio slash showroom in Salcedo, Makati, and Nikita Accessories is also relaunching her online shop very soon. These women are my friends, but I’m also an avid supporter of their brands because I happen to love their products and their story.
So I’m giving away this Olivine Multistrand Beaded Crochet Bracelet (by Nikita), this Crossbody Bag in Saddle Tan (by Posh), and a limited edition set of Rekindle Passion Cards by yours truly.
So here I am today
..and I think it’s not an accident that YOU are here too.
I don’t know what you’re going through in your life right now, but something tells me that you too have big dreams to chase and maybe you don’t know where to begin or how to move forward. I hope you find in these pages answers to some of your questions, and maybe some inspiration as you go on your way. Go ahead, feel free to look around!
Now, how about that ribbon-cutting and confetti?
Chasing Dreams Studio si back. :)
Photo credit: Flatlay styling and photography by Flora and Fern.
Hi Rhiza,
This post is like, “are you really talking to me?” Haha. I am not good at words but somehow I want to share the world what my dreams and passions are even my personal journey with God as a wife, mother and a friend as well. Thank you for sharing this with us. God bless!
LOVE the new revamp Riz — and I was one of the MANY who was waiting for you to come back. Kudos!
Hi Ms. Riz! I am happy that you are back. I miss reading your blog posts! I am also glad that you did not change the name of your blog because “Chasing Dreams” has a different mark in my life. In fact, I use it as my PC wallpaper to remind me of the dreams that God has placed in my heart. I also agree with you that to chase your dreams doesn’t mean to be in the fast lane, or to hassle every single day, but to remain in pursuit of the One who is bigger than all of our dreams. I hope to see you in person Ms. Riz. I am really blessed with your life. Blessings be upon you always. :)
Wow! Congrats Ms. Riz! I am happy that you’re back and I just love reading your blog posts as always. Plus, I am glad that you did not change the name of your blog because “Chasing Dreams” has a different mark in my life. In fact it is in my PC wallpaper to remind me each day of the dreams that God has placed in my heart. I also agree with you that to chase your dreams doesn’t mean you have to be in the fast lane, to hassle everyday, but to remain in pursuit of the One who is bigger than all our dreams. Thank you for your life, Ms. Riz! :) Blessings be upon you always.
Congratulations Ms. Rhiza on the relaunch of your blog. I’m happy that I can still get to read blog/online spaces like yours that aren’t just about the brand, but also has a lot of heart and purpose as well. Excited for the things and lessons we’re about to discover in this studio. :)
A new dream can pop-up every moment, you can have it sleeping or awake. God has blessed humanity with a powerful mind as a miniscule reflection of His limitless wonders. That being said, keep dreaming new dreams. Chase and pursue all those whom He’s given you wisdom and strength for. Love you Riz. Seven is such a wonderful number to celebrate.
I don’t who is more excited here, you or me? haha A second congratulatory comment is in order –the first one was on Instagram :) I have always loved your work, your creativity is truly a gift from our Lord. After you completed my design blog, everyone was like “awww, she did a pretty good job!”
I also had a blog dry spell, a sabbatical of some sort. I didn’t enjoy what I was doing simply because I wanted, again, the approval of some people. Even if I keep reminding myself not to, that thought which I have resolved to call a LIE, kept buzzing in my ear.
This just affirms what the Lord has been whispering to me of late: “This chase is not about being in the fast lane or being in the center of the hype, nor is it about chasing big, shiny things. I think it’s actually quite the opposite.”
Again, thank you for leveling up Chasing Dreams by helping me and others like me to run after the dreams that God has set before them in advance. There is always a higher purpose for everything we do, especially if you a true follower of Christ. It’s not about the number of followers, subscribers, likes, and hearts, it’s about whose heart you touch for Jesus. Ecstatic and hopeful — “Miss” Jude