..and yellows. It’s the second trimester adrenalin kicking in, and I think I finally have the energy to start moving things around the house and getting it ready for the babies! We don’t have a lot of floor space around here…
Search Results for: blue
Day 11: Something new, something blue
11/30: Something blue. Instead of getting the ladies in my entourage corsages, I gave them these custom-made satin floral accessories in shades of blue. They came with matching pairs of earrings too. They’re so pretty I regret I didn’t order…
Day 3: Blue dream of sky
3/30: Clouds. This photograph is in sepia, but the sky that day was a pretty shade of purplish blue, as if the heavens clothed itself to match our wedding motif. It drizzled before the ceremony started, and it seemed like…
Inspired by Purples and Blues
TWENTYTWO. Why hello there. I was away from the internet almost the whole day, hence, managed to accumulate piles of work up to my neck. Who cares. My day was well-spent, I wouldn’t want it any other way — a…
So You Want to Climb Mt. Ulap? Go for it!
[Edit, July 2024]: Hello, I changed the title from “Don’t do it!” to “Go for it!” I’m happy to see that people are finding this post when researching about climbing Mt. Ulap! One of the comments below raised that this…
What’s Better than a Good Cup of Coffee?
Talk to me about coffee and dreams, you bet, I am so there. Launched just this November, The Dream Coffee is a single origin coffee locally sourced from the farmers of TBoli, South Cotabato. “Wake up to the dream in your…