Photographs of my daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. It was Wednesday, dusk, post-Glenda, when I took these photographs. There was a Metro Manila-wide power outage, and for us, the blackout started at 6AM and lasted til 9PM. It was…
27/52: I Love the Sound of the Word “Photographs”
Photographs of my daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. Week 27. Just another one of those Sunday afternoons, back from church. The girls were wearing these dresses from their Ninang Mae, and had already taken off their shoes when I remembered to…
26/52: Remnants of Summer
Photographs of my daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. Week 26. A little odd that I’m posting this tonight, when a tropical storm is currently passing through the country. The typhoon season is here, but it helps to know…
24/52: Bedtime routine at 21 months
Photographs of my daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. Week 24. Remember this post? See thaaat? See how they’ve grown?! At this point we’ve spent approximately 650+ days with these two (that’s 21 months +20 days), which means, by rough estimate we’ve had: 1,300…
23/52: The makings of the twins’ passport ID photos
Photographs of my daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. Week 23. What many of you probably don’t realize is how hard it is to take photographs of toddlers. Dawn & Rain are no exception. Sure, they’ve learned to pose…
22/52: Double Ponytails and Loombands
Photographs of my daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. Week 22. Sunday afternoon as usual, back from church, wearing these pretty dresses that are still a little too big, which I love, because they almost look like maxi dresses….
20/52: Tutus and rubber shoes
Photographs of my daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. Week 20. One Sunday morning in May, I dressed up the twins in tutus and rubber shoes. It was one of those not-so-rare moments when I feel so grownup and so much like…
19/52: Bye Summer!
Photographs of my daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. Week 19. These photographs were captured one lovely May afternoon at the UP Town Center. It was the golden hour, and I was happy to take outdoor photos of the twins for a change,…
18/52: Eighteen Deserves a Little Party
Photographs of my daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. Week 18. Somewhere between weeks 18 and 19, our Dawn & Rain turned 18 months old. It was a milestone for a couple of reasons: 1) We’re half-way through their 2nd year;…
17/52: What Summers are Made
Photographs of my daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. Week 17. Can you imagine how hot this summer has been? These photographs were taken on Week 17 but this pretty much sums up our summer. In lieu of summer outings…
16/52: Summer Afternoons
Photographs of my daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. Week 16. The thing is, it hasn’t sunk in until today that our girls are now toddlers. Of course, they will always be babies to me (you bet, even ’til they’re 30 years old),…
15/52: Real Life Baby Dolls
Photographs of my daughters, once a week, every week, this 2014. Week 15. (Are you ready for this? Cuteness overload up ahead. Don’t say you weren’t warned!) Dawn & Rain: Home from church, all dolled up in their Sunday best. Dawn: It’s…